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About Us

Mission Statement

Faith Tabernacle Apostolic Ministries is an organized body of believers dedicated to serving and ministering to the needs of others. We are first committed to our own spiritual growth so that we may be examples to the unbelievers. We then humbly and willingly submit to God's plan - doing good to those within the church and surrounding communities that all may profit spiritually and be saved. In doing this, we also promote our belief that "We are our brothers' keepers."

Statement of Purpose

We exist as the Body of Christ to promote love, unity and dedication to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to his infallible Word, and to our brothers and sisters in the Lord.


8516 Tidwell Road

Houston, TX 77028


713-491-3534 (leave message)

Schedule of Services


Morning prayer: 9:45 AM

Sunday School: 10:00 AM

Morning worship: 10:35 AM


Prayer: 7:00 PM

Bible study: 7:15 PM

Noon Prayer:

Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday from noon to 1

at the church

Deaf Ministry:

Available for each service

Phone Ministries

Dial (857) 232-0155

Affiliated Conference lines:

Call Him Up! Women's Prayer Line: access code 151221

Mon, Wed, and Fri at 5:30 AM

Women's Bible Study Call:

access code 907934

Monday at 7:00 PM

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